Picture Gallery

Final Product!!

Concrete completed Jun 29, cialis sale sovaldi 2012; Erection completed Aug 28, discount viagra pharmacy 2012; Electricty/ Lights completed Sept 15, cialis 2012; Overhead Doors installed Sept 2012; We can’t believe it!! The dream is happening & coming together!

It’s Going UP!!!

Erection is coming along, the anticipation is incredible!! UPDATE: As of 8/28/12 The Erection of the building is COMPLETE!!!

Building Has Arrived!!!

The Building arrived from Houston, TX on a truck Saturday July 21st.


Friday June 29, 2012 Rick Miller & crew from Malta; Curt Schmidt & crew from Worden

Our 1st News Article

Becky Robinson from the Yellowstone County News called Larry for a photo & some quick tidbits for the article

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. How Awesome!!

We are Mobile!!

Our “new” Service truck!


Hample Excavation started breaking ground for the big shop!

Our New Building